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About us- Under About Rkf.jpg

The Rahul Kotak Foundation comprises a core of like-minded individuals that bring together their unique blend of skills, ideas, and experience to set up projects with the intention of helping the neediest members of our society; especially underprivileged children.


A majority of our team were born and raised in Kisumu and have therefore witnessed a large part of the city’s population struggle with poverty. The importance of charity and philanthropy were instilled into us from a very young age; mainly through participation in events organised by our schools such as fundraising for a particular cause, volunteering to perform community service or donating our belongings to a charity.

These values have carried forward into adulthood. We intend on using The Rahul Kotak Foundation as a platform for promoting these same values as well as creating channels through which our donors’ funds can be utilised in the most efficient way for sustainable, long-term projects.

​"You may not always have a comfortable life. And you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once. But don't ever underestimate the importance you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own." - Michelle Obama


Objectives and Goals

The main objective of The Rahul Kotak Foundation is to promote access to quality education and provide basic needs among the poor in the society.


1. To provide food to children in general, homeless people and vulnerable children, poor women, street children and the youth that are in need of them within the specific county;
2. To provide clothing and footwear to the poor in the society;
3. To provide educational material to the poor in the society;
4. To provide educational scholarships to the poor;
5. To raise, mobilize and disperse funds and other resources for the promotion of the organisation's objectives.

Current Focus

At present, RKF is aiming to achieve the above mentioned objectives by working with ECD, Primary and secondary schools in the slums and rural areas of Kisumu County. To find out more about the programs we are run in the various schools that we are currently working with, check out our Projects page.


Please watch this short video that we made to highlight some of the issues we aim to tackle: 



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