The Resources section is a collection of the RKF Gallery, Blog, a section for you to download e-material and go through some of the infographics we've made to create awareness about the issues ECD Centers face in Kisumu. If you wish to contribute to this section in any way, please feel free to contact us.
If you choose to share any of the material, pictures, documents or blog on social media, we request you to please tag us and credit the Foundation.

Often times, it can be difficult to express in words what it is that we are trying to achieve. And that is where this gallery plays a huge role. It's a treasure chest that has captured all our challenges, lessons, inspiration and results in a way that would be very difficult to explain in words. Feel free to take a look and follow us on our journey.

RKF Blog
The RKF Blog is a way for the founders and extended team to share insights and posts about what we have learnt and continue to learn on this journey and what we have taken away from working with these amazing kids. The lessons. The challenges. The rewards. The stories. The insights. All of it...

Want to make one of our posters/artwork your cover photo on Social Media or simply share it with your friends? Feel free to download the e-versions of our posters, leaflets and business card. Be sure to tag us on social media!
If you would like hard copies of these items to share with friends and potential donors, please get in touch with us to make arrangements.